Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Post Sept 7, 2018

1. What do you already know?

I have taken Information Technology in grades 9 and 10.
Through these courses I've covered:
  • Basic animation in Adobe Animate and Pivot Animator
  • Web page coding in Khan Academy
  • Creating posters and animations in Adobe Photoshop
  • Game journalism of The Long Dark and Minecraft
  • Android app creation in MIT App Inventor
  • Learning other programs such as PowerPoint and Publisher

In a previous project I had to recreate an animation of the following video using Pivot Animator.

2. What do you want to learn?

This year in Information Technology 11, I would like to learn a programming language or a video editing software. I would also like to further my skills in previously learned programs, such as Photoshop. Doing game journalism on a game apart from the survival genre of previous years would also be interesting.

3. How will computers fit into your future? 

In the future I want to become a doctor and I may use computers in my job to run tests, research and store information. I would also use computers to monitor patients, such as their blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels. Computers would also be used in this field to communicate with patients, such as create appointments.